Salt, caramel, nutella, rice crispies, and treats are all great things. Why not combine them?? ;)
Salted Caramel Nutella Rice Crispy Treats
makes at least 16 servings (it's rich)
Adapted from Mini Baker
6 tbs butter + 2 tb for buttering pan
1 bag of marshmallows (around 10.5 oz)
3 cups rice crispy cereal
at least 1/2 tsp coarse sea salt
1 cup Nutella
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
1 tb butter or shortening (I like trans-fat-free natural shortening)
Pre-made caramel sauce or try this one (it's in the middle of the page)
1. Butter a 9 x 13 pan with the 2 tbs (or however much you want to use)
2. Melt remaining 6 tb in a large pot over medium-low heat
3. Stir in marshmallows until they are melted.
4. Add cereal and sea salt and gently mix well
5. Quickly pour into the pan. Let cool completely.
6. When cereal mix has cooled, melt Nutella, chocolate, and shortening in microwave, using 20 second intervals and stirring until smooth. Spread over cereal evenly.
7. Make/heat caramel sauce and drizzle it on top.
8. Let it solidify for a an hour or so in the fridge, or serve it messily :P
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